About Us
Rubezh-Engineering has experience in designing and developing complexes and systems of object protection.
The main areas of business:
- Development and manufacturing of radiotechnical, radar equipment and its components;
- Radiophysics research;
- Design, production of radioelectronic devices and components for residential and special purposes;
- Design and production of antenna-mast devices and its components;
- Repair and maintenance of radio engineering devices, communication, control and radio-electronic equipment complexes.
The company's competence is confirmed by the necessary certificates and research of specialized laboratories.
Our specialization:
Design and manufacturing
- Radio and radar equipment and its components
- Radioelectronic units and their components for residential and special purposes
- Antenna-mast devices and components
- Radio signal processing
- Data visualizations on different platforms
- Microcontrollers and FPGAs
- In the field of radiophysics